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Setting up your gateway

Connect to the cloud anywhere - For more info on the cloud, click here

General Settings

Set colour depth to 16 bit.
Turn off sound.
If you don’t need them, turn off Printer and Clipboard redirection.
Next, to authenticate, use CLOUDLAND\Username and the password given to you.
Before this you should have received your own username and password and different credentials to connect to the gateway.

Connect a Windows PC

Use the latest version of Microsoft Terminal Services Client (MSTSC.exe)
From the Start Menu, search ‘Remote Desktop Connection’ and open the program. It should already be installed on your computer with Windows.

In Advanced – Settings setup your Remote Gateway connection to connect to

Windows remote desktop setup screenshot

Connect a Mac

Download the latest Microsoft Remote Desktop Client from the App Store

Click New to create a connection. 
The server you are connecting to is the internal name of your server. Something like “HealthIT-TS”
Your username will be in the form “CLOUDLAND\User”

In Preferences – Gateway add a connection to then select this connection on the front screen.

Mac remote desktop setup screenshot

Create a new Gateway with different credentials:

User name: CLOUDLAND\User (will be different from your username above usually something like HealthIT-Remote)
Password: again different from above this will have been supplied to you.

Mobile Connection

Download Remote Desktop 8 on Google Play Store or Remote Desktop on Apple App Store

Again in Settings create a Gateway connection to

mobile remote desktop setup screenshot