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Best Practice – Find patients who have attended your practice in the last 2 years with a family history of liver cancer

The BP search screen allows you to search for patients with particular attributes. In this case we’re going to combine Demographics with Family/Social to get a list of patients with a family history of liver cancer who have attended in the last two years.

Start a new search and click on Visits.
Once again select your From and To dates to limit the query to patients presenting between these dates, click Add to continue.


Best Practice searches for active patients by default, and we want to include inactive patients in this search, so tick the box “Include inactive patients”.

Next click “Family/Social”.

On the Family history drop down, select “Any”.
In the top right search box, click the three dots button then type into the Search list “LIVER”.
Find “Liver Cancer”, and double-click it and click Select.
Finally click Add then OK.

Once again you may wish to “Save query” so that you can use it again. Click “Run query” and save the resulting patients as before.