Medical Director – Finding patients with a coded HBV diagnosis
MD allows us to search the database to find patients with particular attributes.
The results of these searches can be saved to CSV format, or you can work with them by using results in a mail merge, print labels, or adding a recall to each patient found. You can also print out a list of patients matched, which will include basic patient demographics.
Select Search > Patient from the main menu to view the Patient Search screen.
For a tutorial in using this tool, see MD Clinical documentation:
To find all patients with a coded HBV diagnosis, click “Condition” and type Hepatitis B into the search box.
Note that there are multiple conditions displayed here so you can select the ones you want to search for.
First click “OR” then use CTRL-click to select multiple Conditions. (NOTE you can’t select multiple conditions without selecting OR)
Then click “Add to search criteria”.

Note – the Patient Search screen only ever searches for patients that are marked as active. To find inactive patients will require us to customise the query a little.
Setup the search as above, then click into “Advanced Search” to display the SQL. At the end of this search is the phrase ” and patient.STATUS_CODE = ‘A’ “. This is the code that tells it we only want to see active patients. You can simply delete this phrase and then click Search – you should see a higher number than the last search as you’re now including inactive patients.