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Uplift your Cyber Security – Focus on the Mailbox

As technology improves and tools like AI become widely available, cyber security attacks are becoming more sophisticated and increasing in frequency. No longer is it the case that malicious emails are full of spelling mistakes and easy to spot.

At Health IT we are Focused on Security.  We do everything we can to protect you, your reputation, your technology infrastructure, and your patient’s privacy from day one.

  • We protect your network perimeter with a managed modern firewall.
  • We protect your computers with our layered Security Stack. While this provides protection from the consequences of a cyber attack, it does not protect the mailbox itself.
  • We protect your practice data with great backups and secure remote access.

Email is now the entry point for the majority of cyber attacks. These can be phishing attacks tempting you to click a malicious link, or they may be email compromise where the attacker gains control of your mailbox. This may lead to invoice fraud or other forms of blackmail, especially if the attacker has gained access to clinical information in the mailbox. All medical systems are targets for these attacks which are happening constantly.

Introducing our Mailbox Security Stack

  • Email scanning and content filtering including attachments – every HTML email is deconstructed and rebuilt
  • The system puts a security banner on every email, pointing out potential risks and training your users as they read their email
  • Sanitise and sandbox every email link
  • Backs up each mailbox daily
  • Gives you the ability to easily encrypt outgoing email, allowing you to safely email patients out of your clinical system.

Mailbox Security Stack is only available on Microsoft 365 email. Hit the button below to get in touch with us and start securing your mailboxes.

What else can we do to protect our systems?

  • Multi-Factor authentication should protect every email, every business application available over the Internet, and every remote access into your systems.
  • We are currently implementing DMARC which is a system designed to prevent email spoofing, where a bad actor pretends to send email from your address, resulting in a lot of nuisance work and potential reputational and operational damage to your business.
  • We make Cyber Security Training available at no cost to every customer. We’ve upgraded to the Cyberhoot system because of its good content which takes only a few minutes a month to consume. Your people are at the front line of your cyber security and they should be forearmed with the knowledge to help protect your business.

What’s next in security?

Health IT has recently achieved Gold certification of the SMB1001 security standard. This new standard is full of simple security controls that are applicable and available to small business. Accrediting to a certification of this standard is not expensive and will uplift your security posture and reduce the risk of cyber attack / data breach. Health IT will soon be offering services around SMB1001 including auditing and uplifting your overall cyber security.

Did you know?

If you hold a current Avant Practice Medical Indemnity insurance policy, you are automatically covered for up to $100,000 of Cyber Security Insurance. Talk to Avant for details.