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After 14 October 2025, Microsoft will no longer provide free software updates from Windows Update, technical assistance, or security fixes for Windows 10. Your PC will not stop working, but it will no longer be able to be adequately secured.

Provided you have a supported version of Windows 10, there is no license cost to upgrade your computer. However the system requirements have increased and any computers that are getting old or were a cheap option may not be able to upgrade.

If you can’t upgrade or replace your computer, an option is to use Microsoft’s extended security updates. You can pay to have the system continue to receive security updates for up to three years.

In order to secure your business, operating systems that are no longer supported by vendors must be replaced. This is supported by maturity level 1 of the Essential Eight, the Australian security framework that we use to inform our minimum security posture.

Talk to Health IT now about upgrading or replacing your Windows 10 computers before this becomes a security issue.