COM port setting troubleshooting
Use the steps below to troubleshoot simple issues with ECG ports
ECG connection troubleshooting
ECG connection points are very simple to troubleshoot. By far the most common problem we see is an incorrect COM port setting, usually caused by a USB to Serial adaptor being moved around and assigning itself a different COM port. This post explains basic troubleshooting of this problem.
The ECG connects to the computer via a USB to Serial adaptor. This adaptor when connected provides a COM port. This COM port must be identified for CardioView to receive an ECG.
To identify the COM port, check Device Manager.
To open Device Manager, right-click on My Computer then click Properties. On the Hardware tab, click Device Manager:
In Device Manager, examine the Ports (COM & LPT) section:
In this example, you can see that the only connected port is COM4.
To set this in CardioView, go to Options – Settings.
In the ECG Connection tab, select COM4 (or whatever port you discovered above):